3 Actions to Ignite Missional Friendships

In this ministry, Mobilize Ministries™, we are passionate about mobilizing missional living and we give you Jesus’ missional living plan that we see in Luke 8:1, 9:1 and 10:1 summed up in three “M” words “meet, mobilize, multiply”. Jesus wants to make it extremely doable for you to be mobilized and to live out your life as an impacting missional living among your four spheres of influence, your family, friends, co-workers and strangers you encounter. But How do you intentionally meet with someone? Jesus reveals this clearly in Mark 3:14. “And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him and that He could send them out to preach.” Here are three actions Jesus models for you to take while intentionally meeting with someone, thriving in your missional life:

1. Choose – As Christ followers, we are called to love every single person that the Holy Spirit has put into our lives. But we cannot truly meet with and invest our life into that many people. Like Jesus “appointed,” you need to choose the two or three people you are going to intentional meet with to spiritually feed into. But how do you choose? I encourage you to choose a person f.a.i.t.h. in your life who is open to growing. This is a friend who you see as Faithful, Available, Intentional, Teachable and Heartfelt or who you see with a desire to grow in these character attributes.

2. Challenge – I’m a gifted visionary and this is seen in Mobilize Ministries™. But, we are all called to be vision casters for the ones we choose to meet and to invest in. You take this person you choose somewhere new in their walk with Jesus. The verb you are activating into their life is challenge. You challenge someone when you take them somewhere they have to live differently and change their daily habits in order to get to. Every time Jesus meets with us, we are challenged, then we bear new fruit. Jesus said it like this: “Stay with me, and I am in you. Just as the branch cannot yield fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, so neither do you unless you stay with me.” (John 15:4) We model the presence when we meet with someone intentionally and challenge them. When you challenge, it should always be rooted in love and help them be more like Jesus and yield fruit.

3. Charge – You can see how uncommon this concept is in today’s culture by a mere lookup in the Webster dictionary. Jesus charged the disciples when he “sent them out to preach.” This definition of “charge” is the fifth and last one in the dictionary which tells you and me how rare this concept is in today’s American culture. “To command, instruct, or exhort”. After we challenge, we need to charge or exhort them with the ministry God has given them, encouraging them they have all they need to live missionally bearing fruit among their spheres of influence.

Who are you going to choose, challenge and charge? What is your experience with this type of intentional living? How does this help you in going forward this week in your missional life, expanding the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom among your daily existing spheres of influence? Please comment below so you and I can carry on the conversation. Engage your social media with this article and spur them on to take action to intentionally meet with someone so they too can thrive in their mission to share Jesus. Mobilize Ministries™ would not exist without people like YOU to decide to support this ministry. All giving is tax deductible. Click here to start giving to this impacting ministry today: