4 Ways the NEW mobilizeministries.com Serves You

Due to the exponentially high response from Christ followers like you to the mission of Mobilize Ministries™, there has been escalating traffic at mobilizeministries.com. 2019 was quite a year as the vision of expanding Mobilize Ministries™ from Dallas to Hollywood was realized. Also, it has been a long term vision that Mobilize Ministries™ would equip and mobilize missional living world wide through mobilizeministries.com. The website’s traffic increased 300% the last half of 2019. So one of our 2020 goals was to launch a brand new website to mobilize Christ followers in expanding the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom among daily existing spheres of influence. Now, the website has launched! I want to highlight four needed ways we serve YOU via mobilizeministries.com.

  1. Live Chat! As I’m writing this, a lot of American has been in shelter-in-place over 90 days. Due to job loss, loneliness and other detrimental stresses, we’ve seen an intense need for pastoral care. How can one be mobilized to share Jesus if one’s own heart needs to be cared for? As I’ve been a minister for 20 years, and my wife graduating with a psychology degree for counseling purposes, we both have a passion to make sure hearts are being cared for and that no one is alone. So, now on this new site, there is a new live chat box. We get to talk to many who just want to be listened to and validated, This often turns into  one-on-one missional life coaching helping them process how to share the Good News of Jesus among their spheres of influence even as they are in shelter-in-place!
  2. Missional Living Resources! Even before the mobilizeministries.com traffic spiked, we had consistent traffic at our website because there are many blog articles to choose from that are very helpful in sharing the Gospel through everyday life! Not only can these be easily accessed with dynamic photos, share links, highlighted quotes to share but also when the visitor starts a live chat with us, we know exactly what blog article they are reading so we can compliment the helpful material with live conversation on the topic at hand. Now you can find the topics you need easier, as they are broken down into three categories. 1) The Mobilize Ministries™ Blog articles help you share Jesus daily, 2) The Missional Living Communities™ Blog articles help you cultivate community spurring on each other’s missional living opportunities; and 3) The Vlog articles show me giving missional living thoughts or interviewing others. Today, start on our home page and easily see our most recent five articles and top five articles of all time!
  3. Dynamic films! Your first impression of the site on the home page are two professionally produced films. One will show you the vision and mission of Mobilize Ministries™ with inspiring testimonies.  The other is the book trailer to my upcoming debut book, Weak Is The New Strong: God’s Power In You  that is releasing this year, August 11th . Recently, we had a fundraiser to fund all of the media ministry described in in this article. We hit 62% of the goal. If you see how the media ministry can mobilize hearts to share Jesus, click here to give a tax deductible gift to help us reach our goal! All new monthly givers of any amount, and all one time givers of $50 or more will receive a signed copy of my upcoming book! Also, please visit our new giving page that describes the types of givers we are praying for. 
  4.  Seven ways we serve YOU! A thriving ministry must serve and communicate clearly how! We are passionate about modeling the heart of Jesus: “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mt. 20:28). Click here to see this new page that dynamically and clearly shows you how we serve individuals, small groups and churches through Mobilize Ministries™.  Please pray over the United States map you see there, and agree with us that whether through launching Missional Living Communities™, live ministry chats on our site, or me traveling to speak on missional living, that we will have the Mobilize Ministries™ DNA all over the United States!

If you are excited about this, we are glad because our vision is to see people come to Jesus through Christ followers’ everyday life. We know this new media ministry will help this grand vision become a reality. Comment below and share with us your favorite part of the site. Click this link to the special media ministry giving page and make your best tax deductible gift or become one of the 20 new monthly givers we are praying for in 2020 to mobilize missional living with us!  

(All giving is tax deductible)

1008 Linn Lane

Yukon, OK 73099

This ministry is praying for twenty new monthly givers. All new monthly givers will receive a complimentary copy of Todd Lollar’s new book, Weak Is The New Strong upon release!