7 Ways Mobilize Ministries Serves You

Missional living, your daily life matters to Jesus.  That’s why this ministry exists: to mobilize YOU in expanding the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom through your everyday spheres of influence. Mobilize Ministries’™ launched in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex and now the ministry is among the entertainment industry in Hollywood.  Here are seven ways Mobilize Ministries™ serves you:

1.  Experience one-on-one missional living coaching. Would you like to see your life as an eternal purpose for Jesus? This ministry offers coaching to equip and to encourage you in this critical Kingdom endeavor.  Remember, YOU are Jesus’ ambassador in your everyday sphere of influence: “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)

2.  Be mobilized to launch a Missional Living Community™ among your friends. Transform friendships into a mission team, a missional living launching pad, to live out your missional life encouraging one another to expand the Good News of Jesus.  We can equip you in this endeavor to have a thriving friendship community that enlarge God’s Kingdom.

3,  Mobilize Ministries™ serves church small groups.  Ask your church small group to host Mobilize Ministries™ to do missional living equipping in your small group.  This is an effective way to mobilize each follower of Jesus in your small group to share the Good News of Jesus in their everyday life.

4.  Mobilize Ministries™ serves churches – Ask your church to host a Missional Living Equipping Event.  This will be a reviving time for your church to equip and encourage the body of Christ. [tweetable author=“@toddlollar”] Each attendee to Mobilize Ministries™ events will envision their life as a ministry and will be equipped to live it out among their existing everyday spheres of influence.  Church growth is an organic outcome. [/tweetable]

5.  Church Small Group Ministry Consulting – Mobilize Ministries™ serves churches by transforming a small group ministry into one that ignites missional lives which fosters church growth.  Set up for consultation appointment today.

6.  Encouraging articles to equip you in your missional life.  For years, this site, mobilizeministries.com has been a “go to” for Christ-followers to go to in order to grow in your relationship with Jesus and to equip you to help others draw near to Jesus. Click and peruse through articles that will mobilize your you to share Jesus in daily living.  Make sure you are subscribed and share this with your family and friends to subscribe too. Upon subscription you’ll receive a template to create a missional living plan with your friends!

We mobilize YOU in YOUR missional life. The logo is derived from being mobilized by all Jesus has accomplished!

Contact us  for more information about any of these 6 ways we serve you.

7.  What is the seventh way to be involved in this expanding ministry? This ministry is impacting the Kingdom of God through mobilizing missional living because people like YOU become involved as a monthly financial partner. You can easily click below and set up your tax deductible monthly support today through this safe donation button:

(tax deductible)

CLICK HERE to start a Facebook Fundraiser spreading the vision of this thriving ministry! What a great way to spread the vision of the ministry nationwide.