Life Coaching

5 Igniters To Go Deeper In Your Daily Quiet Time

Do you want to experience more in your quiet time with God?  Me too. We are passionate about mobilizing missional living! Jesus’ quiet time with the Heavenly Father mobilized Him in His ministry. These simple “igniters” have taken my time with God to a deeper level:

1.  Schedule time alone with God for when you feel most alert.

God has put mentors in my life who have poured into me spiritually over the years.  A few of them woke up before sunrise to spend time with God.  Since I respect their relationship with God and want to be like them, I thought I had to wake up before sunrise to be with God, too.  I tried this out and found myself dozing off!  I was not engaging with God.  Mid-afternoon is the time of the day my mind is at its peak.  So, this is when I make time to be with God.  God will meet with me–and you–anytime.  He does not stop meeting after the sun is risen.

2.  Determine where your “quiet place” is.  

My quiet place is at a coffee shop.  I spend many afternoons meeting with people in a coffee shop.  But my first meeting is with Jesus.  I’m able to forget my surroundings, focus, and have a heart-to-heart with Jesus.  Your quiet place might be at home in a certain chair in a certain room, on campus under a certain tree, or at your desk at work.  Wherever, know that the God who made the universe, who enables you to breathe, who loves you more than you could ever fathom, wants to meet you there.

3.  Have a plan. 

In January 2011, my quiet time with God changed significantly.    I have always planned out my meetings with friends, students, co-workers, and life-coaching clients, but I never planned how to spend my time with the most important One, God.  Two years ago, I started a one-year plan to go through the New Testament slowly. In January 2012, I started a two-year reading plan to go through the Old Testament.  This year, 2013, is my third year of planned daily quiet times, and now I never waste time wondering what I’m going to read to hear from God.  Often after the planned reading, God’s Spirit takes me to places in the Word where He speaks to my story in specific ways.  I have a plan, but so does He!  This is so freeing.  Freedom is often experienced after planning.

4.  God wants to converse: He wants to talk to you through His Word, and He longs to listen to you in prayer.

A major breakthrough happened in my walk (roll) with God when I finally realized that having a quiet time is not merely reading words in the Bible, but that the Bible is God’s Living Word and He really longs to speak with me. [tweetable author=“@toddlollar”] The One who made the universe , the One who spoke the world and humankind into existence wants to speak to me, Todd, and to you. [/tweetable] Not only this, but He longs to hear our voice.  Do you feel lonely, need to talk, need someone to listen?  Humans often fail at “being there” for each other.  God is constantly available to you and me.  Here’s the kicker: your conversation with God is not over when you leave the quiet place where you and God meet.  God remains with you wherever you go or whatever you do.  I never say “Amen” after I pray in my quiet time until right before I fall asleep at night.  This reminds me that my time with God continues throughout my day.  He is with me, and I am with Him.

5.  “Chat it up” with the One who knows each detail of the plan for your life.

I have often tried to figure out answers to the questions in my head about problems in my life.  I usually don’t get very far, because I’m limited by finite thinking.  My next step is to seek counsel.  This is a wise, godly step, but it needs to be preceded by my former last resort, going to God.  We have a relationship with God who is omnipotent and omniscient.  He knows His plan for our life.  This simple, yet life-changing revelation ignites my quiet time.   The all-powerful God often quickly removes obstacles that my limited mind is tempted to dwell on.  The quicker we take life’s questions to God, the more time we’ll have to execute the plan He reveals using the time we formerly used trying to figure everything out.  In result, our lives are much more productive and fruitful because we spent time with the One who knows and reveals the plan.   Be ready to hear God reveal His answers to your questions during quiet time.

Please comment below and encourage me and fellow readers with what has ignited your quiet time with God.

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