Mobilize Ministries

How to Live A Freed Life

Often I think about when I  went to Washington D.C. for the first time. What stood out to me the most about the history of our nation is that the tallest statue in our nation’s capital, which is full of hundreds of historic statues, is “Freedom” on top of the U.S. Capitol building. We value freedom so much and I’m thankful for the people who fought for our freedom, and I was wondering, as a nation built on freedom, do we Christians value the true freedom that we have in Christ?

Jesus said in John 8:36 “If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed.”

By His wounds and His blood we are free from the sin we have done and healed from the sins that have been done to us. He has totally and completely set us free.

In the Old Testament, the Lord freed His people from Egyptian bondage. We see that as such an obvious example of being set free, but the Israelites did not understand their freedom and they started to wander in the desert and were tempted to worship other gods even after they were free people. Don’t we experience spiritual amnesia like that at times? Moses had to remind God’s people of the truth when he said in Deuteronomy 8:14b, “Don’t forget that you were once slaves in Egypt and that it was the Lord who set you free.”

[tweetable author=”@toddlollar”] The Good News is that Jesus has set us free. [/tweetable]

“…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17b

Now that you have made Jesus your Lord and Savior, Jesus’ blood has cleansed your temple and His Holy Spirit dwells in you truly freeing you and empowering you to live a life for Jesus.

This week as you preach the Gospel to yourself daily, ask yourself these questions:

– What has Jesus set me free from?
– What has Jesus freed me into?
– Just as “Freedom” reminds this nation of its freedom, what can you use in your life to remind you of your freedom in Christ?

Please leave any comments below. I would love to carry on the conversation with you.

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