Call it divine intervention. It was the fall semester of 2010 when I came across a young-something

man with long streaked hair, glasses, wearing boots bedizened to the laces in Union Jack colors. His name was Todd Lollar, that is “Lollar like dollar,” and he was kind, encouraging, and would not stop talking about Jesus.
Speaking of which, Jesus had just reentered my list of priorities, as I had just (re)dedicated my life to Him. Todd has a way of encouraging people to make priority list in regard to what they value most. He encouraged me to follow his lead by making Him top priority. I was a sophomore in college and hungry for something greater than this world had to offer. [tweetable author=”Logan Nyquist”] For two years Todd Lollar ministered to me one-on-one and to this day, when I share my continually lengthening God story, he is always included as one of the pivotal figures God had cast in this epic drama of the ages. [/tweetable]
I don’t take lightly the spiritual encouragement God brought me through Todd, especially during those darker days of my journey through the wilderness. Todd built my faith every time we met. He continually reminded me of the abundance of God’s grace. How I have been made clean in His sight. Who we are positionally in Christ. That we have been made complete in Him. That I have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Light and now an official ambassador for Christ and His Kingdom. This was the best news I had ever heard and has affected my ministry greatly, in that its all reproducible- disciples who make disciples.
God has done a lot through our friendship and continues to do more. As God loves a cheerful giver, I’m so happy to partner with Todd.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).
I speak from personal experience, that God has gifted them to encourage, equip and edify young men and women of faith to be the salt and light of the world, right where they live, work and play. Will you prayerfully consider partnering with my wife and I in joining Todd’s team as monthly financial partners?
– Logan Nyquist
I’m greatly thankful for my friendship with Logan and our discipleship journey. Follow him on Twitter. You’ll be blessed like God blessed me through Logan. – Todd Lollar