Missional Opportunity letter from Mobilize Ministries™ Board

Dear Partner in Mobilizing People to Share Jesus,

People like you who give to Mobilize MinistriesTM have reached over 30,000 people through four new daily devotionals our founding Executive Director and author of Weak Is The New Strong, Todd Lollar has written and published on YouVersion? You and your friends can find these at mobilizeministries.com where we equip people all over the world to be mobilized to expand the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom among their daily existing spheres of influence. Supporters of this growing ministry do not only help us mobilize people on a large scale but also have a heart for and help us fulfill the vision for each one who are hungry for pastoral care wanting to be mobilized to become intentional in his or her missional life. Here are three of the many ways we will mobilize missional lives in 2024:

• Missional Life Coaching: Many want intentionality, but their own church pastor may not have the time or resources to spend time with each one. We are excited for a vision in 2024 to follow the Holy Spirit prompting to increase the number of people we mobilize one- on-one through Missional Life Coaching.

• Missional Life Communities™: We equip small group ministries at churches to teach its group members to be missional. Typically, small groups are consumers gaining more knowledge of Sunday’s sermon, etc. Missional MinistriesTM gives guidance to transition small groups from a destination to consume into a launch pad that will mobilize each to thrive and courageously share Jesus among his or her daily existing spheres of influence. These communities provide an an atmosphere to process with others their opportunities to share Jesus among family, friends, and co-workers. They encourage each other with innovative ideas on how to share Jesus in his or her daily missional life!

• Upcoming Ministry Book: Many of you have read Weak Is the New Strong by the founder of this ministry. Now, Todd is writing a second book that will serve as a handbook for Mobilize MinistriesTM. This book will be the needed Christian living handbook containing the needed guidance to intentionally mobilize your missional life. A guide to conversing the Good News of Jesus among your daily existing spheres of influence. This book will be utilized to accomplish and further our 2024 Vision.

We need your help! Our year end fundraising campaign is when we raise a large percentage of the 2024 budget that makes our vision a realization. Will you give your best year end tax deductible gift to help us meet our goal of $20,.000? Whether you give $5 or $500, every dollar will go toward reaching this important goal to mobilize missional lives! We mobilize people to share Jesus among their daily existing spheres of in8luence because “How can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” (Romans 10:14-15)

On the journey with you,

Mobilize Ministries Board of Directors with Todd Lollar, Founder of Mobilize Ministries™

(All giving is tax deductible)

1008 Linn Lane

Yukon, OK 73099