How Mission Trips Sparks Ongoing Missional Living

You’ll be inspired by Rebecaa’s powerful testimony of journeying from being a Muslim refugee in an African war to a Christ follower thriving in her daily missional living through Mobilize Ministries™. Watch, share and give at

How does it feel to be the answer to the Apostle Paul’s question that he posed out of his passion that this ministry, Mobilize Ministries™, shares with him in reaching the lost with the Good News of Jesus?:

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” (Romans 10:14)
The question is “how can they”?
We are deeply thankful that you emphatically answer this question through your faithful longing to be mobilized in your missional living of expanding the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom through your everyday existing spheres of influence.
A new tangible  way this ministry is going to answer this question Paul posed is through establishing the “How Can They” fund to support individuals’ short term ministry trips. In my early twenties, mission trips to the heart of the inner city of St. Louis, to the villages of Haiti, and to the streets of Rio De Janeiro transformed my heart to see people as Jesus sees people and to be moved with compassion.  This mobilized me to share the Good News of Jesus among my existing everyday spheres of influence; among my family, friends and co-workers.  In my going on three decade ministry career, I’ve seen short term mission trips mobilize countless followers of Jesus to share Jesus among their spheres of influence where they are when they return. [tweetable author=“@toddlollar”] Short-term Missions catapults your daily missional living back home.  [/tweetable]
I’ve also seen challenges in seeking support for these trips.
This ministry is launching our “How Can They Fund” to support short term missions.  Recipients will write a page on how they envision the trip to mobilize their missional living when they return in everyday life and they’ll share their testimony video about the trip and how this mobilized them to keep sharing Jesus upon return.  These videos will be streamed on and social media to encourage you and others in your missional living. The recipients will also launch a Mobilize Ministries™ Missional Living Community™ among their friends, who will agree to meet ongoing for a year in order to pray, process through and encourage one another in their daily missional living among their family, friends and co-workers! A portion of the year-end campaign will go toward this critical endeavor for God’s Kingdom and to expanding Mobilize Ministries to Hollywood.
Watch our new Mobilize Ministries™ film, Spheres of Influence. Your heart will be blessed watching the mission of this ministry and the powerful testimonies of the lives changed and missional lives mobilized through Mobilize Ministries™!   Will you invite your family and friends to the view this this film in two ways?:
  1. They can like our Facebook page and turn on alerts so they’ll know when the film is up for viewing!
  2. The film is available at

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1008 Linn Lane

Yukon, OK 73099

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Start your Facebook fundraiser for Mobilize Ministries™ here.