
God Is Good. Satan Is Bad. My Daughter & Debunking Determinism

I’ve always been crazy about my daughter. Decades before I met her I’ve wanted one. It’s been a hard road in all transparency. I longed to be close to Alifaire but for most of her life, it seemed every attempt I get close to her she would hit me, call me names, etc… honestly it’s been a hard road… then BREAKTHROUGH!

One day she got really mad, not at me, just mad at life’s circumstances as usual. Then she started her m.o. of hitting me continually as I was in the room. This has been happening for a year and a half. I reached down, hugged her, wouldn’t let go and she melted in my arms. Ever since that evening, I have not been an object of her wrath 😊. We are super close now. She snuggles with me a lot. She lets me do all kinds of stuff for her that she use to reject me when I try and now she lets me take her to the restroom when we are out and she NEVER use to do that.

I feel like maybe not knowing it, many of you grew up in blueprint or determinism theology. What ever happens in life, good of bad, it’s from God. So whenever the bad stuff happens you ask questions like “God, why did you let it happen or make it happen?” This is such an unbiblical framework. In fact, the philosophy has roots in paganism, then Calvinism , then it has infiltrated some streams of Christianity.

This verse sums up the truth: Jesus says “The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” ‭‭(John‬ ‭10:10‬)

Are you ready for this deep truth: God is good. Satan is bad. Haha I know I know deep. But I feel like people would frame their lives differently and let all of God in if you understand there’s not a speckle of bad character in God. Yes, bad circumstances happen. Satan has a hay day making that happen. That has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with God and His goodness perfectly depicted in Jesus (Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3).

So, will you let God pick you up out of that mess that He has nothing to do with? Wil you let Him love you, take care of you, reveal to you how good He is? He has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the bad stuff that happens. That’s Satan. So I’m continuing with one of my life’s messages:

God is good and for you. Satan is bad and against you. Jesus gave you ultimate victory at the cross! This ministry is made possible by people like you who become monthly, quarterly or annual supporters. will you become and today?

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Yukon, OK 73099