evangelistic question

A Missional Question to Spark A New Relationship With Jesus

“Do You Want To Study The Bible With Me?”

These nine words have been a question that I have been asking people that God has been putting on my heart since I have come to Jesus. So far, not one has answered “no.” In fact, this has been a question that I’ve seen launch family and friends into a relationship with Jesus.  But what do you study with them? Consider walking through the life of Jesus with a friend by reading a Gospel account. Maybe you want to read one of the Apostle Paul’s letters explaining the Good News of Jesus.

[tweetable author=“@toddlollar”] The best way to help a friend know Jesus is to provide a space for your friend to hear the very Word of God! This is why you ask them to study the Bible with you.  [/tweetable] We’ll keep asking this question because I know there are those like me who know their need for a Savior and their need to grow in Him.  Jesus explains it best: “When the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, ‘Why is your Teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?’ But when Jesus heard this, He said, ‘It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick (Matthew 9:11-12).’” Consider launching a Missional Living Community™ (MLC™) to process through with Christ following friends opportunities you have to share Jesus with unbelievers. You’ll receive encouragement and innovative ideas from others as you engage lost friends in your daily life. 

Jesus met me in a dorm room when I was spiritually sick and saved me. As long as we know people who know they are in need, let’s continue to ask them to engage in the Gospel with us. Who is on your heart to ask this to?

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