
How To Discover Your Identity

Through the years I’ve been in ministry, God has been ministering truth to my heart; the liberating truth that Jesus shares so very boldly:

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” – Jesus

[tweetable author=”@toddlollar”]How good is it that Jesus, not only died to save me from the sin I was in that identified me but He also freed me into a life that all that was done to me has been healed and now He identifies me through His Truth, through Jesus! [/tweetable]

One of my favorite worship songs written by Gateway Worship and performed by my friend, David Moore leads us to praise God for this new life in Christ we get to experience:

“Held by the power of freedom you broke the lies and found me in your truth.”

In your daily quiet time today, wanna praise Jesus with me?…

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