
Mobilize Ministries’ Instagram #GospelVersesToShare Devotional

Instagram is growing in popularity in social marketing to reach people through stories and visuals. We, in Mobilize Ministries™ launched a daily devotional on Instagram devoted to mobilize Christ followers in daily missional living. Since the devotional launch, our Instagram following has increased 200% and engagement has increased 2200%! We are already envisioning future daily devotionals to be published. Even after I received a Masters in Bible, Satan attacked me with thoughts that I am not apt in the Word of God. I think he attacks others with this thought disabling Christ followers from having needed conversations about the Good News of Jesus through daily spheres of Influence. 

I alway want to engage Jesus daily in God’s Word to grow in my relationship with him. [tweetable author=”@toddlollar”] But let’s not let Satan attack you to get you to think you do not know enough about the Gospel to share. First, start conversations with how the Good News of Jesus changed YOUR life. Then, teach what you know! Old news to you are headlines for those in your daily four spheres (friends, family, co-workers and strangers) of influence. [/tweetable] Rely on the Holy Spirit to remind you of words of Jesus to share. Let Jesus comfort you with these words. “Do not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say.For it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” (Matthew 20:19-20) Below is an excerpt of the new twelve day daily devotional #GospelVersesToShare.   This devotional is design to equip you with Bible verses to easily explain the Good News of Jesus! We pray the organic result will be people coming to Jesus through Christ followers’ daily spheres of influence. Again Jesus says is better: “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.” (John 5:24) 

Mobilize Ministries Gospel Verses To Share Devotional Day 6:

“In Him (Jesus) you have been made complete, and He (Jesus) is the head over all rule and authority” (Colossians 2:10)

I was an undergrad in my University of Oklahoma dorm room, trying to find fulfillment in everything that made me empty. That’s when Jesus showed me He completes me. Then I let Him rule my life. When I ruled my life, I was miserable. How joyful it’s been since I let Jesus be Lord, ruling my life.

Stay tuned for more of my testimonial coming out in my debut book on God’s power in weakness in 2020.
  1. That’s my testimonial in a nutshell. It’s enough that if a recipient asks questions, I’ll know there’s an open heart to continue the conversation.
  2. Today, write your testimonial short enough to share on an elevator. (Believe me, I ride on many elevators. LMWO – LAUGHING MY WHEELS OFF)

Who are you sharing with this week only Jesus can complete the human heart? 

Will you follow us on Instagram, @toddlollar and invite all your friends to do the same? Turn on story and post alerts.  You can catch up on this particular devotional in the “Share” highlight on our Instagram. This thriving and growing ministry is not possible without people like you becoming givers. All giving is tax deductible. Click and become a Mobilize Ministries™ giver today to mobilize missional living: