3 Extinguishers to Caring for Someone
Here’s a description of God’s missional life from the Apostle Peter’s letter, “he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) In today’s disconnected culture people face the feeling of not being cared for In 2020, the shutdown was mandated and no one felt cared for. People faced life alone. There was not much pastoral care from the Church. Let’s model to others God’s care for them, You are God’s hand and feet. Often people feel God’s care through your care for them. Sometimes realizing what is not caring reveals to us how to truly care for people in our lives. Here are three extinguishers to caring for someone in your daily existing spheres of influence that.
1. Do not give them what is most precious resource and asset, your time.
Ever since the beginning of time, human’s time is the most valuable asset. No one can run from stewarding time. You either steward it selfishly or you steward it for God. Giving your time intentionally among your daily spheres of influence is to steward your time for God. When we launched our ministry tour that ministered to 3,000 hearts in 2022, Gateway Church founder, Pastor Robert Morris prayed over us. He is a worldwide known preacher with a total of 100,000 weekly attenders who listen to him. He also gave time to endorse my book Weak Is The New Strong. Pastor Morris deeply showed me how much he cares for me by giving me his time.
2. Fiddle with your phone whenever you are with them.
Imagine you’re going into the office of someone you’ve been wanting to meet with for a long time. The whole time this person looks at his desktop computer, answers phone calls, listens to music and watches the big screen tv in his/her office. I hope this next sentence is sobering for you. This is what you do when you meet someone with your phone out. Your phone does all these things described in this office. So, one look at your phone shows the person you are with that your phone and what you are looking at on your phone is more important to them. Replicate God’s presence in your life by truly being with the one you are with and have no distractions. This week, start a habit of not getting out your phone when you are with you are with your spouse, children, friend, co-worker and strangers you meet.
Replicate God’s presence in your life by truly being with the one you are with and have no distractions. – @toddlollar
3. Let daily tasks take priority over people.
As a pioneer, traveling speaker and author, i listen to a lot of leadership and influencer podcasts so i’ve heard plethora of training on task management and how to tackle your to do list in the most efficient way. I’ve heard not enough podcasts on how to put people first. If you want to thrive in your missional life prioritize people over your tasks. Your children, spouse and friends will not remember how much you’ve gotten done in your life. They’ll remember your intentionality on making every moment with them memorable. Look at Jesus. His daily mission prioritized people. Jesus proclaimed, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
What practical steps are you going to take this week to show people you deeply care for them modeling the care Jesus gives you? Comment below. We are praying for you to become a monthly giver to this expanding ministry. Click, become a monthly giver and receive a thank you gift of the book, Weak Is The New Strong: God’s Perfect Power In You.
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