How To Launch Your Missional Living Community
Hands-down, the intentional people God has put in my life are why I have a deep passion for Jesus and why I was mobilized in my missional living early on in my walk with Jesus. My Masters in Bible, great sermons I’ve heard, and all the impacting Christian events I’ve consumed do not come close to having as much of an impact mobilizing me in my missional living as the organic Missional Living Community™ I’ve been blessed with through the years. [tweetable author=“Todd Lollar”] Intentional friendships have been the launching pad for my own daily missional living. [/tweetable] This explains well how: “Let us take thought of how to spur one another on to love and good works, not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)
Who is YOUR Missional Living Community™ in YOUR life mobilizing you in YOUR missional living? Mobilize Ministries™ is the thriving and growing.ministry we pioneered that meets at many locations throughout the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex and Los Angeles as Missional Living Communities™ (MLCs™). [tweetable author=“Todd Lollar”] Missional Living Communities™ (MLCs™) are launching pads for personal ministries. Mobilize Ministries™’ mission is to mobilize missional living. One way we do this is to mobilize, equip and encourage you to start an MLC™ where you are with people in your everyday life wherever you are in the U.S. or beyond. [/tweetable] Complimentary to but unlike a church small group, living life with an MLC™ serves as a launching pad for your missional living! The uniqueness of an MLC™ is that each one in the community has a safe place to:
1. Process through and share your own daily missional living.
2. Receive encouragement in what God is doing through your daily mission sharing Jesus.
3. Receive new perspectives, insight and ideas to implement in your daily missional living.
4. Receive God’s perspective from others about your daily Kingdom living.
All this launches you back into your everyday missional living
“The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He said to them, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven.”” (Luke 10:17-20 NASB)
You know that friend or two that you’re going to meet up with to talk about the above? How about if you ask them start meeting regularly as a Missional Living Community™ (MLC™) to process through and thrive in each of your missional living? [tweetable author=“Todd Lollar”] Subscribe to this blog and we’ll freely provide you with a MLC™ Launch Kit: [/tweetable]
- A Missional Living Guide – This is a three-step guide that Jesus used to multiply His missional living. We’ve seen many evangelistic efforts multiply through this guide.
- A Missional Living Plan Template – These are a short set up scriptures and questions that’ll aid each one in your Missional Living Community™ (MLC™) to form a plan to thrive in each of your daily mission to share Jesus in your everyday life!
- Prayer covering – We’re passionate about praying for missional living opportunities and seeing God’s power bless your daily ministry! So e-mail us and let us know the day, time, frequency and city your MLC™ will meet and will put you on the Mobilize Ministries™ prayer map coming soon!
If you have already subscribed to this blog before we started giving out these MLC™ launch kits and you want to start an MLC™ among your friends, message us.
A few questions for you to consider: Who are you going to ask to be in YOUR Missional Living Community™ (MLC™), YOUR missional living launching pad? Would you like to be mobilized in your missional living in your everyday life? I met with two different guys THIS WEEK who are launching a MLC™ where they’re located among their friends in their life. Consider launching a MLC™ among your friends right where you are to process through your daily efforts to share Jesus with. Let’s carry on the conversation below. How would a community like this bless your everyday missional living, your everyday life?
This growing ministry is made possible by monthly financial ministry partners and special donations: