
Cultivate A Heart for the Lost

The narrative of Sodom and Gomorah is a stark and unsettling account of divine judgment. Yet, embedded within this story is a profound revelation about the heart of God. It’s a heart that is slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, and deeply grieved by the destruction of human life. The Lord’s repeated pleas to spare these wicked cities unveil a divine character that is far more complex and compassionate than we might initially perceive.

God’s Reluctance to Destroy

First, the Lord’s hesitation to destroy Sodom and Gomorah is striking. Despite the overwhelming wickedness of these cities, God searches for even a small number of righteous people. His question to Abraham, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?” (Genesis 18:17-18), reveals a God who desires redemption, not destruction. This demonstrates a divine heart that yearns for reconciliation and is deeply saddened by the necessity of judgment.   

God’s Desire for Relationship

Secondly, the Lord’s engagement with Abraham in this narrative highlights His desire for relationship. God chooses to share His plans with Abraham, inviting him into the conversation. This act of inclusion demonstrates a God who values human connection and seeks to involve His creation in His purposes. It’s a picture of a God who wants to be known, understood, and trusted.

A Call to Missional Living

Finally, the story of Sodom and Gomorah is a powerful call to missional living. God’s heart for the lost is evident in His desperate search for righteousness within the city. As His followers, we are called to embody this same compassion and urgency. We are to be people who seek out the lost, who are willing to intercede on their behalf, and who reflect the heart of God in a world desperately in need of His love and grace.

The narrative of Sodom and Gomorah is more than just a historical account; it’s a window into the soul of God. It reveals a God who is just, yet merciful; holy, yet compassionate; and determined, yet patient. As we contemplate this story, may we be stirred to deeper compassion for the lost, and may we be inspired to live out our mission with the same urgency and love that characterized the heart of God.

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1008 Linn Lane

Yukon, OK 73099