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Todd Lollar

Founder of Mobilize Ministries™ mobilizing you in missional living and Amazon bestselling author…

Ever since I received a Masters in Biblical and Related Studies from Abilene Christian University, I’ve discipled among singles, young adults, and collegiate ministries everywhere from inner city streets to college dorm rooms...

… I’ve had the blessing of traveling around the world sharing the hope of Christ through my testimony, God’s power through my weaknesses. God showed me in a daily quiet time in St. Louis that He’ll use my disability and all my weaknesses to powerfully advance His Kingdom because of this truth: “he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me (2 Cor. 12:9).”Although I have  traveled across the world speaking the Good News of Jesus among thousands and spurring hearts on in their relationship with Jesus, my main passion in ministry is to invest deeply one-on-one and launching discipleship networks among people like YOU to mobilize YOU in YOUR missional living!God’s power being made perfect in my weaknesses like cerebral palsy empowers me to connect with people, and, in turn, God lets us see people connect to Jesus.

Todd Lollar

Todd Lollar, with a quarter of a century experience in ministry, is the Founding Executive Director of the international nonprofit ministry, Mobilize Ministries™ with the impacting mission to mobilize Christ followers in expanding the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom among daily existing spheres of influence. He has ministered among Missional Living Communities pioneered and planted throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Then, expanded this effective ministry to Hollywood among the entertainment industry. Todd is the author of the Amazon bestselling book, Weak Is The New Strong: God’s Perfect Power In You!

Ever since Todd received a Bachelors in Business Management at the University of Oklahoma and a Masters in Biblical and Related Studies from Abilene Christian University, He’s been unceasingly ministering among singles, young adults, and collegiate ministries everywhere from inner city streets to college dorm rooms, among young professionals and among entertainment professionals in Hollywood to make lifelong followers of Jesus Christ and ministers as a regular guest on podcasts and talk shows. Todd was featured in Abilene Christian University’s quarterly publication, ACU Today.

Todd Lollar travels around the world sharing the hope of Christ through his testimony, God’s power through my weaknesses. God revealed to Todd in a daily quiet time in St. Louis that He’ll use his Cerebral Palsy and all his weaknesses that people deal with to powerfully expand Jesus’ Kingdom because of this truth: “he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me (2 Cor. 12:9).” Todd does not want you to be inspired by his story and stop there but to thrive in Jesus’ power through your weaknesses. This is why he wrote for you Weak Is The New Strong: God’s Perfect Power In You. The hard copy and audiobook are sold worldwide and an autographed hard copy a thank you gift to monthly givers to Mobilize Ministries™.