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Weak Is The New Strong Ministry Tour To Mobilize Missional Living In A Paralyzed Culture

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The shutdown stopped a lot of churches from meeting, in result, their missions paused. God’s mission that He invites us into never ceases. Our ministry’s mission, in short: we mobilize missional living in a paralyzed culture. This is more than a tag line. When we launched Mobilize Ministries in January 2018, we saw a great need for God’s people to be mobilized to share Jesus. This need has not lessened but has become more intense. Our mission never slowed down during shutdown and now ministry doors are opening to travel and speak mobilizing church communities, ministering on more podcasts and meeting with more people! In fact, in 2022 we will be launching our Mobilize Ministries Ministry Tour as we will be traveling as a family ministering to churches, conferences and home groups throughout the nation! We need your help as “how then can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to
preach? And how can they preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15)

This year end will you give your best tax-deductible donation to help us meet our year end goal of $20,000 to continue mobilizing missional living in a paralyzed culture? No gift is too small. If you’re not a monthly giver, your new monthly pledge will also count toward this year end goal! All new monthly givers and nonmonthly givers over $50 will receive a signed copy of my book, Weak is the New Strong as a thank you. Also, all new monthly givers will receive the award nominated audiobook!

(All giving is tax deductible)

1008 Linn Lane

Yukon, OK 73099