3 Keys In Expanding Your Missional Living (Part 2): MOBILIZE

In the Spring of 2019, Mobilize Ministries™ expanded to Hollywood, the hub of entertainment professionals who influence culture world-wide!  Our mission is needed and simple: We mobilize missional living! We invite you to praise God and join us in what He is doing as we mobilize Christ followers in the industry to expand the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom through daily existing spheres of influence. We want to invite you to be a year end or monthly giver to this important expansion of the ministry to Hollywood. Like the beginning of this thriving ministry, we are seeing God’s Kingdom continue to expand through MEETING, MOBILIZING and MULTIPLYING! In the last blog we discussed about you meeting intentionally with people in your life. Now let’s discuss mobilizing others to do the same.

Another door we did not expect to open so soon is among Los Angeles to mobilize their congregations to see each sphere of influence (family, friends, co-workers and strangers) to share the Good News of Jesus. We meet regularly with pastors in Los Angeles about equipping their disciples in making disciples. Afterwards, we provide additional resources for further equipping by leading them to mobilizeministries.com where over 12,000 people have been equipped! But in the last month, our traffic has increased 260%!!! Helping us meet our critical year-end goal through your best year-end or monthly giving helps us equip more churches to mobilize their congregations to share the Good News of Jesus with lost souls. 

Next in this series will be about the third key in expanding your missional living.  A hint of what it is, you do not have to do anything! It’s the organic result of meeting intentionally with someone and mobilizing them to do the same. 

(All giving is tax deductible)

1008 Linn Lane

Yukon, OK 73099