3 Keys In Expanding Your Missional Living (Part 3): MULTIPLY

Mobilize Ministries™ is now also in Hollywood, the hub of entertainment professionals who influence culture world-wide!  The vision of Mobilize Ministries™ is lost souls being saved in Christ followers’ everyday lives. We invite you to praise God and join us in what He is doing as we mobilize Christ followers in the industry to expand the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom through daily existing spheres of influence. We want to invite you to be a year end or monthly giver to this important expansion of the ministry to Hollywood. Like the beginning of this thriving ministry, we are seeing God’s Kingdom continue to expand through intentional people like you MEETING, MOBILIZING and now we are going to converse about the third key in expanding your missional living, MULTIPLYING!

As Jesus repeatedly teaches, His Kingdom, by default, is meant to grow! Like we see in Luke 10:1 as Jesus sends out the seventy-two, Jesus’ twelve disciples multiplied in numbers by simply meeting (Luke 8:1) and mobilizing (Luke 9:1). Paul explains well how disciples are needed in Kingdom growth. “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” (Romans‬ ‭10:14‬) As we reflect on how God has multiplied His Kingdom in Dallas and now, Los Angeles through meeting and mobilizing, we invite you to be part of this multiplying movement with your best year-end giving. Your giving will allow Mobilize Ministries™ to support short-term mission trips providing short-term missionaries with equipping on assembling a small group of friends to meet with regularly upon return for a year, encouraging each other in continuing to share Jesus. 

Knowing how much  the entertainment industry impacts culture, will you help us meet our 2019 year-end goal as we continue to meet, mobilize and multiply Christ followers for daily missional living? Your best year-end giving makes the above possible by meeting the year-end goal of $25,000. Also, new monthly pledges for 2020 will contribute to this important goal. Thank you for mobilizing missional living with Mobilize Ministries™ through your tax deductible giving.

(All giving is tax deductible)

1008 Linn Lane

Yukon, OK 73099