
 3 Streams of Life to Share Jesus with Strangers

For a while i only recognized and taught about family, friends and co-workers being the only spheres of influence we get to share the Good New of Jesus among. Then I started  saying “Good Morning” to the Holy Spirit daily. I then began to recognize and experience His empowerment in meeting strangers, your fourth sphere. My mentor, Stanley showed me how to experience joy and adventure where I use to see as usual or ordinary and maybe mundane place to go. He’d go to the same restaurants, gas stations and grocery stores until strangers  became… friends! Here are three streams of life where you can intentionally meet strangers as thriving parts of your missional life.

  1. Where you run errands.

I’ve never even heard of people coming to Jesus in what i thought was the mundane part of life until i met my mentor, Stanley. He shares the wildest stories of people putting their faith in Jesus in grocery stores and gas stations.  I use to view my errand list as chores. These places were destinations I would dread going to.  Now there are purpose, joy and mission in EVERY PART of life… even filling my jeep up with gas.  I have countless stories of sharing Jesus while doing tasks. Do not think of the tasks you HAVE to do. Think about who you get to meet while you do your tasks.

Do not think of the tasks you HAVE to do. Think about who you get to meet while you do your tasks. @toddlollar

  1. Where you have fun. 

I love Jesus. Coffee shops and chess games are right below Jesus for me. I could spend the entire day drinking coffee with a friend over a game of chess, You know what? I realized i have a captive audience during a chess game. But for better wording, i like to say “a captive conversationalist” because as you know we are about starting Gospel conversations, not Gospel presentations. Many of the people that says i’ve invested in their lives will mention we were playing chess. Logan is one of these.  He wrote me an encouraging note later in life thanking me for investing in his life. My first initial response  was “wow, i was just having fun!”  Logan would later comment that he thinks  i ask him deep questions to lose his concentration on the chess game. Well, maybe that was a side goal. LMWO! (LAUGHING MY WHEELS OFF!)

  1. Where you work.

We’ve discussed how giving Jesus your excellence through your work is a missional move all to itself. People see your excellent work. Jesus gets the Glory. But have you ever thought that of all the locations you could work and all the employers you could work for, the Holy Spirit intentionally placed you among these to be a light, to dig into their stories and to develop relationships with? Say “yes” to invitations to lunch, happy hour and parties. Invite your co-workers to do the same. Do this with intentionality. Then, intentionally start a conversation about Jesus, ask them what you can be praying for, and consider asking them to start a Bible study with you. 

Say “yes” to invitations to lunch, happy hour and parties. Invite your co-workers to do the same. Do this with intentionality. Then, intentionally start a conversation about Jesus, ask them what you can be praying for, and consider asking them to start a Bible study with you. 

Remember how you started your prayer in the morning? Now as you end your day, thank the Holy Spirit how He is opening doors in every aspect of your life with a BIG “AMEN”! What a way to invite God into your daily missional life among your daily existing spheres of influence and be empowered by Him!  I would love to hear your testimonials about how God makes your errands fun, your fun times meaningful and your vocation a ministry! Comment below or send us testimonials.

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Yukon, OK 73099