
3 Ways We Mobilize & Serve Churches

On the brink of the release of our second guest article in Church Growth Magazine article to be published soon, It’s timely now to revisit how Mobilize Ministries™ serves churches. Every way we serve churches, our hope and vision is that it will result in more Christ followers. Here are three ways we strive serve churches to mobilize church growth. 

  1. We speak at churches on mobilizing missional living. 

This year, we have mobilized 3,000 people in their missional lives through preaching, teaching and equipping at churches, retreats and conferences. Christ followers walk away with a practical guide to thrive in their daily missional lives. We live in a culture where the art of conversation is becoming obsolete. Our most popular teaching on the tour was on how to start Gospel Conversations. This evolved into our latest Youversion free daily devotional we recently got published. Contact us to inquire about booking. We are currently scheduling.. 

  1. We equip small group ministry leaders to foster Missional Living Communities. 

We’ve pioneered a model of small groups called Missional Living Communities™ (MLCs™) that are modeled after what happened when the disciples returned from being sent into ministry. Then in Luke 12, they got the opportunities to process what happened in their time on mission with Jesus. We’ve seen more Christians initiate Gospel conversations among their four spheres of influence (family, friends, co-workers, strangers) as a result of processing among their small group community daily opportunities to share Jesus. Most, not all, church small groups do not have a missiology and a theology of small group ministry. Most churches have small groups because hey, a church needs to have an outlet for community. This is true but look how tight knit Jesus’ community, the twelve disciples were. We believe this closeness was from having an outward selfless focus to want to see people in their daily existing spheres of influence to come to Jesus! They were like-minded and like-hearted in the same mission. We equip small group ministers and small group leaders to cultivate missional communities that celebrates each’s open doors to share Jesus during their week. 

  1. We offer Missional Life Coaching.

Jesus is intentional with each person He comes in contact with. Why? Each person he meets is one of the ones He came on Earth to die for. Each person Jesus meets is meaningful to Him. In Mark 5, Jesus touched the life of a man, freeing him from demons! In response, “the man who had been possessed by the demons begged to go with Him. So the man went away and began to proclaim throughout the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And everyone was amazed” (Mark 5 :19-20) We see Jesus going back into Decapolis in Mark 7:31. Because Jesus took the time to mobilize this man one on one, there were already believers in this town who brought Jesus a deaf and mute man to heal. One-on-one missional life coaching mobilizes you to converse the Good News of Jesus among your daily sphere of influence. Often, one on one encounters in the Bible resulted in the growth of the Church! Contact us today to set up your first of four free sessions of missional life coaching. We are available to meet virtually and in physical locations. 

As you see we are passionate about church growth. Contact us today to schedule me to speak at your church, small group, equip your small group leaders or to set up one on one missional life coaching. Monthly and regular givers to this ministry makes this all possible. The Church Growth Magazine article releasing soon will out to 10,000 church leaders who leads hundreds of churches! People like YOU who become faithful supporters make this all possible! All new monthly givers of any amount receives an autographed copy of Weak Is The New Strong: God’s Perfect Power In You. Would you like help setting up your important tax deductible giving to mobilize missional living? Click here and scroll down to message our Donor Care Specialist volunteer, Sheila and she’ll be happy to assist you.

(All giving is tax deductible)

1008 Linn Lane

Yukon, OK 73099