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3 Key Rhythms of A Thriving Missional Life

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Mobilizing missional living has been my personal passion for over twenty-five years and this has been our mission of Mobilize Ministries™. A lot of people ask me the ins and outs of thriving in a missional life. If I had a very short time with someone to mobilize them in their missional life, I’d invest in them these three key rhythms of a thriving missional life. 

1. Be Available. I learned to thrive in missional living not in school behind books but with mentors. The most impacting one was. He’d share Jesus with people everywhere he went on a daily basis. In fact, he’d consistently go to the same gas stations, restaurants, stores, etc… running into the same people, get to know their stories and share Jesus with them. He made himself available to them. The stories that came out of these were inspiring as he shared how these people encountered Jesus through his availability. I longed to thrive in my missional life so one day i asked Stanley, my mentor, who was also Max Lucado’s mentor, “What is a life rhythm for you that helps you to share Jesus whereever you go?” He simply and profoundly responded  “Be available”. The fuel of Stanley’s missional life that I long to emulate became clear. Be available to the Holy Spirit. Listen to Him. Obey Him. Be available to people in a disconnected culture where people seem so unavailable.  

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