Rediscover The Lost Spiritual Discipline in 2022

I love re-engaging a spiritual discipline or two or activating a new one I’ve never practiced before for the new year. This keeps my relationship with Jesus fresh and sparked as spiritual disciplines help you grow in your relationship with Jesus, helping you get to know Him deeper. The Celebration of Disciplines by Richard Foster is a great book to rediscover spiritual disciplines that you may have forgotten about like simplicity, solitude and service. But there’s one lost spiritual discipline that did not even make it into this great book. The clearest depiction of this lost spiritual discipline is found in the book of Philemon:

“Be active in sharing your faith so you will know every good thing you have in Christ Jesus.”

Philemon 6

Have you ever seen this? Sharing your faith in Jesus with another person in your spheres of influence actually draws YOU closer to Jesus! Like the verse proclaims, this action helps YOU “know every good thing in Christ Jesus”! Sharing the Gospel is not just for the lost but it’s for you too, to bless you, to draw you closer to God! Every time I share the Good News, I hear myself with my own ears proclaim the Good News. What happens here? The Apostle Paul explains it the best. “So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” (‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬) If faith comes by hearing, then consider how much your faith in Jesus will grow as you converse about His Good News among your daily existing spheres of influence!

Will you make it a 2022 S.M.A.R.T. goal to mobilize this new spiritual discipline in your life this year?

Here are a few simple steps to do so:

  1. Ask God to bring to mind the people you see every day.
  2. Put in a good word for Jesus with them.
  3. Write down the ways you feel closer to Jesus through this new spiritual discipline.

Comment below the ways you’ve experienced closeness with Jesus through sharing His Good News.

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