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Mobilize Ministries Blog

Ministering to Jesus: The Overflow of Love

In his book, Hosting God’s Presence, my dear friend Michael Miller invites us into a profound exploration of what it means to create a space within ourselves where God can dwell. He challenges us to consider how we can become vessels through which God’s love and power can flow into…
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3 Tips to Redeem Bad Days

We all have days when everything seems to go wrong. It’s during these times that we may feel overwhelmed, discouraged, or even hopeless. But amidst the chaos, there’s hope. God promises to be with us through every storm. His love and grace are sufficient for all our needs. Here are…
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Cultivate A Heart for the Lost

The narrative of Sodom and Gomorah is a stark and unsettling account of divine judgment. Yet, embedded within this story is a profound revelation about the heart of God. It’s a heart that is slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, and deeply grieved by the destruction of human life….
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How to Fight Life’s Daily Battles

In our everyday lives, we are constantly faced with challenges and battles that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. But amidst these struggles, there is an unwavering source of strength and support. This guide offers practical insights on how to navigate life’s daily battles with the assurance that God is with…
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Todd, Our Founder, Speaks at ACU

Great time speaking at Abilene Christian University on Weak Is The New Strong and Mobilize Your Missional Life! To inquire about me speaking for your small group of event, go to and inquire about it and watch our short film about me speaking to encourage you featuring the founder…
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3 Needed Traits of Resiliency to Thrive Out of Trauma

  If you know me, (my story and my life) like you, I’ve been through a plethora of suffering and trauma! I have not gone through these hardships gracefully. At times I hash it out with people instead of God. I’ve tried to figure out things on my own or…

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3 Time Management Lifehackers To Maximize Your 2024

Time has always fascinated me. No human can live free of its clutches. Time is constant and rapid. Our life is but a minute dot on its expanse. God, existing outside of time, gives us time, not for us to serve it, but for it to serve us. King Solomon…
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Missional Opportunity letter from Mobilize Ministries™ Board

Dear Partner in Mobilizing People to Share Jesus, People like you who give to Mobilize MinistriesTM have reached over 30,000 people through four new daily devotionals our founding Executive Director and author of Weak Is The New Strong, Todd Lollar has written and published on YouVersion? You and your friends…

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Giving Tuesday (11/28) To Mobilize Missional Lives!

This Giving Tuesday launches our annual year end fundraiser for Mobilize Ministries™ and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support. We mobilize Christ followers to expand the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom through your everyday…
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Todd’s New Book To Mobilize Your Missional Life

You may have read my book, Weak Is The New Strong: God’s Perfect Power in You. My follow up book will be on behalf of Mobilize Ministries™. It’ll be a handbook of sorts for the ministry so everyone will easily know Mobilize Ministries™’ vision, mission and how we serve and…

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What is Missional Life Coaching? (Schedule Appointment)

Your Missional Life Coach is all about mobilizing you to thrive in your missional life expanding the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom among your daily existing spheres of influence; your family, friends, co-workers and strangers the Holy Spirit helps you meet. This coaching relationship will help you view your daily…

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People like you who engage in this important ministry to mobilize your missional lives have engaged in our daily devotionals on Youversion along with 30,000 other devotional readers. This is only made possible by people like you who regularly give tax deductible giving to Mobilize Ministries to mobilize missional lives…

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 3 Streams of Life to Share Jesus with Strangers

For a while i only recognized and taught about family, friends and co-workers being the only spheres of influence we get to share the Good New of Jesus among. Then I started saying “Good Morning” to the Holy Spirit daily. I then began to recognize and experience His empowerment…
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3 Ways Holy Spirit Mobilizes You

The Holy Spirit has been a major part in my messages I’ve traveled all over the world and spoken on the last twenty-five years. Specifically, I’ve been invited to speak on Him among communities in which He’s not mentioned much in. One of the first truths I always want to…
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3 Extinguishers to Caring for Someone

Here’s a description of God’s missional life from the Apostle Peter’s letter, “he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) In today’s disconnected culture people face the feeling of not being cared for In 2020, the shutdown was mandated and no one felt cared for. People faced life alone.  There was…
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What’s Your Word For This Year?

I’m approaching my seventh year of claiming one word for the entire year. Instead of a resolution that can be so burdening, stressful and guilt-ridden which are all not from God, I pick one word that I want to know more about, encompass with my life and experience like I’ve…
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Mobilize Ministries™ 2022 Film Release!

Mobilize Ministries™ mobilized 40,000 people in 2022 to share the Good News of Jesus among daily existing spheres of influence. This would not be possible without faithful givers mobilizing missional living with us. We traveled through ten states on our first ministry tour proclaiming the Good News of Jesus…
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Church Growth Magazine Release #2

In the launching of this nonprofit ministry, Mobilize Ministries™️, our vision was and is church growth. This results mobilized missional lives. This year we mobilized 40,000 people to share Jesus. 10,000 church leaders read and equip their churches in this second newly released article of mine in Church Growth…
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3 Ways We Mobilize & Serve Churches

On the brink of the release of our second guest article in Church Growth Magazine article to be published soon, It’s timely now to revisit how Mobilize Ministries™ serves churches. Every way we serve churches, our hope and vision is that it will result in more Christ followers. Here…
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3 Actions for Youversion Gospel Sharing Plan Release!

Our first in a series of Mobilize Ministries™ Youversion Devotionals releases!!! As you may know my (Todd Lollar here) first one to be published was a 10 day one based on my book, Weak Is The New Strong. 26,000 people engaged in this devotional! This new six day devotion entitled…

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3 Key Rhythms of A Thriving Missional Life

Mobilizing missional living has been my personal passion for over twenty-five years and this has been our mission of Mobilize Ministries™. A lot of people ask me the ins and outs of thriving in a missional life. If I had a very short time with someone to mobilize them in…
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How Do You View God? (Ojai Tour Clip) What’s your image of God? How you see God is how you’ll relate with Him. Your picture of who God is is everything! If you have a tainted angry view of God, you probably don’t want to follow Him. If you have a loving view of God, you want…

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5 Life-altering Observations of The Great Commission (Tour Clip) Ministry Tour Stop at Calvary Chapel of Ojai Valley After a six month ministry tour across the nation, we are back in California on tour at Pepperdine Bible Lectureship and churches in Ojai and San DIego. Along with inspiring teachings from Weak Is The New Strong: God’s Perfect Power…

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A Ministry Tour; Not A Speaking Tour (Clip) Wow! What a three month tour stretch in Oklahoma, Texas and Indiana! We’ve been blessed with the opportunity to encourage at gatherings, book signings, church services and one of one meetups. I’ve been extremely animate that this is a ministry tour, NOT a speaking tour. The world doesn’t need…

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God’s Big Missional Move! (ministry tour clip)

onference, community church services and a man night. God is giving us a huge heart to mobilize men to lead and to mobilize the local churches to be missional where they’re planted. This ministry tour clip combines the two inspiring equipping messages I’ve been preaching and teaching on through the…
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Rediscover The Lost Spiritual Discipline in 2022

I love re-engaging a spiritual discipline or two or activating a new one I’ve never practiced before for the new year. This keeps my relationship with Jesus fresh and sparked as spiritual disciplines help you grow in your relationship with Jesus, helping you get to know Him deeper. The Celebration…
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How We Mobilized Over One Million People In 2021 (Life Today video)

2021 kicked off with me being a guest on the Life Today show with over one million viewers around the world. Immediately ollowing the airing, we received messages from people all around the world who also want to thrive in God’s power through their weaknesses and be mobilized in their…

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3 Igniting Ways Our Ministry Tour Kicked Off (video)

This past weekend was very special as it was DFW pre-kickoff to the Mobilize Ministries™️ Weak Is The New Strong Tour. I’ve been reflecting on it all this past week. 3 words to describe how special it was. These three words can mobilize YOUR daily missional life! Also, we are…
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Viewing People Through Weak Is The New Strong (article & podcast)

Now that you are equipped and encouraged through my book, Weak Is The New Strong: God’s Perfect Power In You to thrive in God’s power through your weaknesses, not despite them, you can now view others weaknesses in the same light. There’s an entire chapter in my Amazon bestselling book…
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3 Ways To Thrive In A Great Commissional Lifestyle

Often, the Great Commission Jesus announced to his disciples (you and me) is usually regarded in the church as a mandate for Americans to go outside the United States to share the Gospel. This is great and we need to do this. But there is a needed observation that Jesus…
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You Can Invest In A Life (Podcast Interview)

Click here and listen to this interview I talk about critical motifs from my Amazon bestselling book, Weak Is The New Strong: God’s Perfect Power In You that I’ve never discussed before on a podcast. This coincides with the heart of this ministry, Mobilize Ministries™ that provides you with…
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Book or Attend Todd Lollar Speaking Events

As the nation is reopening, Mobilize Ministries is in the midst of scheduling speaking events in 2021 through 2024. This is another part of the national leg of the ministry. Click here to schedule Todd Lollar to speak at your conference, church, small group or event on these two important…
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Two Myths About Sharing Jesus

As a certified life coach, one of the keys to reaching goals I lead people in is removing obstacles in one’s mind to accomplish that goal. Often it is not even a real obstacle. Being a minister now for almost a quarter of a century, I realized that what handicaps…
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Todd Lollar on Shawn Bolz’ Exploring Podcast!

I’ve known of Shawn Bolz Ministries from afar for many years as he has touched hundreds of thousands. It was such a joy being a guest on his podcast with such a large reach. We actually discussed topics that I have not gotten to talk about on a podcast yet…
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Jesus’ Victory In Your Weakness! (UPPERROOM Video)

I share in my book, “Weak Is The New Strong” the monumental moment that I discovered that I’m thankful for my weaknesses as I read about God revealing to Paul about his weakness that His grace, unmerited favor is all Paul needs as God’s power is displayed through…
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3 Secrets About Suffering – Church Growth Magazine Debut

Mobilize Ministries is dedicated to church growth. In fact, you can read all the ways we serve disciples of Jesus, small groups and churches below and easily see our heart is to see the Church grow as this is the organic fruit of the ministries of Mobilize Ministries. We…
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4 Ways the NEW Serves You

Due to the exponentially high response from Christ followers like you to the mission of Mobilize Ministries, there has been escalating traffic at 2019 was quite a year as the vision of expanding Mobilize Ministries; from Dallas to Hollywood was realized. Also, it has been a long term vision…
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How may we pray for you?

We’re so thankful for all of you who pray for us, read our blogs and touch our lives. We pray for you as well, but we would like to be able to pray for more specific things in your life. Please send us an email or comment on this post with…
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3 Responses of Your Missional Life To The Pandemic

Like never before since I have been following Jesus, I believe now, the hour we live in, is when Mobilize Ministries™ is needed the most. The Corona Virus has one way or another impacted our world, country, state, city and everyday lives. As disciples of Jesus, this is the time…
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3 Keys In Expanding Your Missional Living (Part 3): MULTIPLY

Mobilize Ministries is now also in Hollywood, the hub of entertainment professionals who influence culture world-wide! The vision of Mobilize Ministries is lost souls being saved in Christ followers’ everyday lives. We invite you to praise God and join us in what He is doing as we mobilize Christ…
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3 Keys In Expanding Your Missional Living (Part 2): MOBILIZE

In the Spring of 2019, Mobilize Ministries expanded to Hollywood, the hub of entertainment professionals who influence culture world-wide! Our mission is needed and simple: We mobilize missional living! We invite you to praise God and join us in what He is doing as we mobilize Christ followers in…
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3 Keys In Expanding Your Missional Living (Part 1): MEET

In the Spring of 2019, Mobilize Ministries; expanded to Hollywood, the hub of entertainment professionals who influence culture world-wide! The vision of Mobilize Ministries; is lost souls being saved in Christ followers’ everyday lives. We invite you to praise God and join us in what He is doing as…
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How To Experience A Daily Missional Life of Exponential Growth

In everyday life in the world, we are used to sensible transactional living. You pay for an apple, you get an apple. You invest in stocks and with some research and luck, you can come out ahead. Sometimes you do not. Jesus explains four results of sharing the Gospel…
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3 Actions to Ignite Missional Friendships

In this ministry, Mobilize Ministries;, we are passionate about mobilizing missional living and we give you Jesus’ missional living plan that we see in Luke 8:1, 9:1 and 10:1 summed up in three “M” words “meet, mobilize, multiply”. Jesus wants to make it extremely doable for you to be mobilized…
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2 Mobilizers of Compassion in Your Daily Life

Our actions are null without pure motivators to inspire us. Have you ever taken the time to sit and ask yourself what motivates, compels and mobilizes you? The Apostle Paul is very clear about what drives him to be so passionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus. “For…
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Mobilize Ministries’ Instagram #GospelVersesToShare Devotional

Instagram is growing in popularity in social marketing to reach people through stories and visuals. We, in Mobilize Ministries™ launched a daily devotional on Instagram devoted to mobilize Christ followers in daily missional living. Since the devotional launch, our Instagram following has increased 200% and engagement has increased 2200%! We…
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2 Markers To Navigate An Image Driven Culture

A new drug in the culture we live in is the marketing of image. Note that I did not say image itself. Platform is the elevation of image. How high one can elevate oneself in order to receive more likes, hearts and retweets. And when we receive a…
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How We Support Short-term Mission Trips

I’ve seen a plethora of Christians who start simply as “church goers,” go on a mission trip and return with a missional heart to share the Good News of Jesus among their everyday spheres of influence. This exact result is what we are shooting for in Mobilize Ministries. Many churches,…
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3 Impacting Ways to Steward Influence… Like CHRIS PRATT!

You may have enjoyed his fun lovable character on Parks and Rec or enjoy going on adventures with him in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy and the latest Jurassic Park movies. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who does not know or enjoy Chris Pratt’s gift of…
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5 S.M.A.R.T Contributors To Complete YOUR Goals

One year in seminary I set a new year’s resolution to eat not one single French fry for a whole year. Now, it’s funny to think about all of my friends thinking I was accomplishing an unbelievable feat. I made it a whole year but all it did was “resolve” that…
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2 Ways Christmas Mobilizes Missional Living ALL YEAR LONG

Every year as a child we were at Grandma and Grandpa’s house full of cousins, aunts and uncles and fun times.  There were no white Christmases, only blue, just because Grandma always played the Elvis Christmas vinyl record on the stereo that was larger than the largest clothes chest you’ve…
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How Missional Living Heals Depression (Testimonial)

“If I go up to heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in hell, you are there.” (Psalm 139:8) In life, darkness can be so real that it can be  overwhelming. When Daniel and I started meeting, he had a relativistic mindset and was running away from God, going…
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4 Perspective Shifts To Free You From An Imprisoned Mindset

What if you impact your circumstances more than they impact you.  Today, in a culture of comfort, reading a letter to encourage others from a jail cell speaks for itself.  It’s time for a mind shift. Here are a few ways that Philippians should change your life perspective:
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How To Find Your Sole Identity

You probably know me well enough now to know that my number one passion in discipleship is to help Christians know who they are in Christ.  One major reason is “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).  The only other worship song I have ever posted ,…
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5 Igniters To Go Deeper In Your Daily Quiet Time

Do you want to experience more in your quiet time with God?  Me too. We are passionate about mobilizing missional living! Jesus’ quiet time with the Heavenly Father mobilized Him in His ministry. These simple “igniters” have taken my time with God to a deeper level:
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How Prayer Mobilizes YOUR Daily Missional Living!

Prayer gives you access to your everyday life purpose and launches you into your impacting daily life sharing Jesus propelled by the power of God, who made heaven and earth, that resides in YOU to empower you in your missional living! Are you accessing the power of God that fuels…
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How To Know God’s Will For Your Life

In my two decades of ministry, I have had the most conversations in response to individuals asking “What is God’s will for my life?”  I love to write for, converse and pray with hungry hearts for God seeking Him for the answer to this godly question.   In fact, the very important mission…
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A 3 Part Practical Guide to YOUR Daily Missional Living

Before living in Hollywood, I lived in a different state that was definitely a different culture. In Texas, in the heart of the Bible Belt, the “buckle” is so tightly fastened around event driven programs that there is a deep longing for intentionality and a desire to learn how to be intentional….
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Hey, it’ll work out. Remember…

Sometimes we get spiritual amnesia, don’t we. I know I do.  In the midst of adversity, it’s “easier” for me to focus on the circumstance more than the one who is all-powerful over the circumstance.  Looking back, I remember all the circumstances:
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How To Thrive in God’s Power

Rolling in a restaurant pub passing by a pool table room, I see a man with a lot of muscles wearing a tee shirt stating, “Jesus is never returning”.  Wanting to roll on, God’s Spirit pricked me to stop and roll into the room.  I introduced myself and the man stated…
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Who Is Todd Lollar, Author of Weak Is The New Strong

Ever since I received a Masters in Biblical and Related Studies from Abilene Christian University, I’ve discipled among singles, young adults, and collegiate ministries everywhere from inner city streets to college dorm rooms. I’ve had the blessing of traveling around the world sharing the hope of Christ through my testimony,…
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How To Discover Your Identity

Subscribe to this blog to to receive encouragement like in your identity in this article. Upon subscribing, you’ll receive a missional living plan template to sin you in creating your missional living plan mobilizing your daily impact for Jesus.
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How Jesus Frees How Into A New Identity

Religion is human’s attempt to strive to get to God. But Christianity is God’s accomplished act to be in relationship with human. By the Cross, Jesus frees you into a new identity, Christ in you.
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How To Share The Gospel In A Relativistic Culture

This dynamic article gives you a impacting way to converse the Good News of Jesus in a culture of relativity. Consider discussing these important questions with your Christ following friends who are trying to share the Gospel to.
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3 Mobilizers Jesus Imparts In Your Daily Missional Living

You are familiar with the crux of Mobilize Ministries, that we have a practical guide for our missional living that Jesus used in His! As we see in Luke 8:1, 9:1 and 10:1, like Jesus we meet intentionally with someone, investing and discipling him or her. Then we mobilize them to…
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How To Launch Your Missional Living Community

Hands down, what you are about to read has mobilized my missional living more than any other way! The more exciting part is you can create this with YOUR friends wherever in the metroplex, nation or world, right where YOU’re located!!! This will immensely bless you and your friends:
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2 Mobilizers of Presence In Your Life

Every year I pray for one word to hold on to that He wants the year to be about. This year God has used my two year old son, Oliver, to give me the word that God wants to speak into for 2018. I’ve been so convicted in the moments…
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3 Major Spheres of Influence In Your Daily Missional Living

Leadership expert, John Maxwell teaches “leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less.” The truth is you are a leader because you have spheres in your life that you can influence.  The mission of Mobilize Ministries is to mobilize you in expanding the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom through your everyday…
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How to Experience God’s Character in the Gospels

received a high number of responses about the helpfulness of the blog entry i wrote on the ABCDE Bible study method used to study an epistle. Here is a Bible study method to use for studying any one of the four Gospels. Meditate on any passage of a Gospel and…
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Read God’s Love Letter to YOU

Let’s receive God’s love. Knowing who we are in Christ is my passion, along with helping others know who they are in Christ. May this love letter from God encourage you this week:
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How Weaknesses Give You Courage

Encouragement is life-giving words empowering people we journey with to step out into their goals “in courage.”  God first encouraged us… “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every…
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Bono’s Missional Life Shares Jesus (short film)

Prayer led me to meet Bono.  You can read more in my book on that.  It was only for a minute but in that minute I got to thank Bono for letting God use his life, his platform that Jesus is front and center on to inspire my life to…
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How To Turn Your Sadness Into JOY!

Many of our heroes in the Bible dealt with sorrow. This, in itself, comforts me! David, “a man after God’s own heart” dealt with it in big ways! His journaling of feeling depressed in Psalms 42 encourages me and I hope it does the same for you: 42:1 As the…

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2 Roles of A Kingdomized Missional Life

Subscribe to to receive on going free encouragement in your daily mission sharing Jesus among your daly existing spheres of influence. You’ll be the first to know about my book Weak Is The New Strong: God’s Power In You
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How to Trash Your “I’m Sorry” Identity

This phrase was so common out of my mouth that I started repeating it for all types of situations I could not control, for things that were not my fault and for things that were, as if that is a reason to speak over my whole identity that… “I am sorry.”
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How To Study The New Testament with A Friend

As you know, we have started a Bible studies among entertainment professionals at a local coffee shop, but we hope that it will  more than just a Bible study. Our mission is for Christ followers like you to have this Bible study with their friends one-to-one throughout the weeks, and we…
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How To Enjoy A Weak Life

The first time I ever went snow skiing was right after I got my masters. About 7 of my friends and I decided to celebrate by snow skiing at Winter Park, because they’re known for wheelchair skiing. They asked me if I wanted to ski by myself or have an…
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How To Experience Jesus In A Missional Lifestyle At Work

A  major part of our mission work in Mobilize Ministries™ is mobilizing personal ministries in one’s respective career.  This week I had lunch with one of my friend’s, Mike, and we ate with one of his co-workers, Nick, in the corporation’s cafeteria. We talked about how we can have a quiet…
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Your Missional Living Legacy: Spiritual Generations (Guest Post)

I recently wrote about God triumphantly delivering Levi, friend of mine, through a heart transplant.  In fact, within a month of the heart transplant, Levi unexpectedly showed up at a 5K race held in his honor. Levi faithfully helps to produce spiritual generations on the mission field of UNT, in ICU…
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I hear these words a lot in conversations with college students.  Actually, I hear this a lot from young professionals, older professionals, husbands…well, many different people in many different stages of life from Dallas to Hollywood.  Even when someone I know seems to be extremely confident on the outside, he…
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5 Steps To Intentionally Meet With A Friend

enever I meet with someone over coffee to get to know them, I receive a lot of thank you’s and vocalized anticipation to meet up again. Meeting intentionally with people is not only a part of my vocation but it’s a passion, joy and calling of mine. I think I…
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How To Cultivate Community & Not Die Alone Watching Netflix

Community is a dying art form in today’s culture.  Do you intend to meet a friend next week and it does not happen for  months? The culture we live in and work schedules that lead the day typically does not cultivate community. We need to be Kingdom-minded and lead our…
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How I Met Bono

Anyone who knows me knows I’m fanatic about U2.  I became a fan in the middle of their career at the time of the Auchtung Baby album.  God used their music to touch my heart and deepen my relationship with Jesus.  The more I dug into their music, I noticed that…
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